CrossFit Garage

Fighting pre-diabetes

December 12, 2023 Andy McCann Season 1 Episode 100
CrossFit Garage
Fighting pre-diabetes
Show Notes

1. **Maintain a Healthy Weight:** Being overweight increases the risk of diabetes. Consistent exercise, like the routines in your CrossFit gym, combined with a nutritious diet, can help manage weight.

2. **Balanced Diet:** Continue with your clean eating habits, emphasizing whole foods, lean proteins, healthy fats, and lots of vegetables. Focus on low glycemic index foods to prevent spikes in blood sugar levels.

3. **Regular Exercise:** CrossFit is fantastic for overall fitness, but incorporating regular aerobic exercise like running, cycling, or swimming alongside strength training can further improve insulin sensitivity and reduce diabetes risk.

4. **Stay Hydrated:** Adequate water intake is crucial for metabolic health. Encourage your clients to stay hydrated during and after workouts.

5. **Monitor Blood Sugar Levels:** Regularly check blood sugar levels, especially if there's a family history of diabetes or any concerning symptoms.

6. **Stress Management:** Stress can impact blood sugar levels. Encourage stress-reduction practices like meditation, yoga, or mindfulness techniques.

7. **Adequate Sleep:** Poor sleep patterns can affect insulin sensitivity. Aim for consistent, quality sleep each night.

8. **Regular Check-ups:** 

Avoid these foods and drinks :

1. **Soda and Sugary Drinks:** Regular sodas, sweetened teas, energy drinks, and fruit juices can contain a high amount of added sugars.

2. **Candies and Sweets:** Candies, chocolates, pastries, ice cream, and desserts are typically loaded with added sugars.

3. **Processed Breakfast Cereals:** Many breakfast cereals contain high levels of added sugars and refined carbohydrates.

4. **Baked Goods:** Cakes, cookies, pastries, and doughnuts are often high in both sugars and refined flour.

5. **Sweetened Yogurts:** Flavored yogurts often have added sugars. Opt for plain yogurt and add fresh fruits for sweetness.

6. **White Bread and Pasta:** Refined grains like white bread, pasta, and rice can spike blood sugar levels.

7. **Sweetened Condiments:** Sauces like ketchup, BBQ sauce, and certain salad dressings can hide significant amounts of added sugars.

8. **Packaged Snack Foods:** Chips, crackers, and snack bars often contain hidden sugars and refined carbs.

9. **Sweetened Coffee Drinks:** Many coffee beverages at cafes contain added syrups, flavors, and sugars.

10. **Alcoholic Beverages:**

On this podcast you will actionable tips on Building a Firm Foundation for Life in Fitness, Food, Finance

I believe in building a firm foundation for life through functional fitness, farm-fresh nutrition, and sound financial practices. Join us in creating a healthy and resilient future!

We are happy, humble, helpful people that want to be healthy and fit now, as well as in their 90's. I talk about how to live that good life now and later with heavy slant towards fitness and nutrition. I will even get into mindset, goals, raising chickens, raising kids, bitcoin, rental property, entrepreneurialism

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