Fitness Food Finances
Building a Firm Foundation for Life in Fitness, Food, and Finance
I believe in building a strong foundation for life through functional fitness, farm-fresh nutrition, and sound financial practices. Join us in creating a healthy and resilient future!
We are Happy, humble, helpful people that want to be healthy and fit now, as well as in their 90's.
I talk about how to live that good life now and later with heavy slant towards fitness, nutrition, mindset and goals. I will even get into raising chickens, raising kids, bitcoin, rental property, entrepreneurialism
YouTube channel with other visually videos (long and shorts)
My Lightning Node
My Nostr
Fitness Food Finances
184 - At home self assessment of your health and fitness - You are probably in trouble.
All the links
Garage Fitness Online
The Garage Games
Carnivore Kickstarter
60 Easy
Living Free in Tennessee
The Survival Podcast
At home self health assessment
Regain Mobility
Adventure Races
Assessing Your Health and Fitness: The host, Andy McCann, discusses the importance of assessing your health and fitness, especially as you approach 50 years old. He believes many people are overconfident about their health and unaware of their declining fitness and functionality.
At-Home Health Assessments: McCann provides a series of simple at-home tests and assessments covering nutrition, sleep, physical abilities, and aerobic capacity. These include evaluating your plate composition, hydration, sleep quality and consistency, balance, strength, and endurance.
Nutrition Considerations: McCann emphasizes the importance of reducing processed foods, added sugars, and excessive caffeine intake. He advocates for a nutrition approach focused on whole, nutrient-dense foods like eggs, meat, and vegetables.
Strength and Mobility Assessments: The tests cover lower body strength and balance (sit-to-stand, one-legged balance), core strength (plank), lower body flexibility and mobility (deep squat, sit-to-rise), and upper body strength (push-ups). McCann provides benchmarks for healthy performance on these tests.
Aerobic Capacity Assessment: The 3-minute step test is used to measure aerobic fitness by evaluating heart rate response to elevated activity and recovery time.
Encouraging Action: McCann emphasizes that the purpose of these assessments is to motivate listeners to take action and improve their health and fitness, especially as they age. He offers resources and support to help people get started.
Wider Implications: McCann discusses the broader implications of declining health and fitness, including increased risks of falls, injuries, and mortality. He encourages listeners to prioritize their health and fitness to improve their quality of life and longevity.
On this podcast you will receive actionable tips on Building a Firm Foundation for Life in Fitness, Food, Finance
I believe in building a firm foundation for life through functional fitness, farm-fresh nutrition, and sound financial practices. Join us in creating a healthy and resilient future!
We are happy, humble, helpful people that want to be healthy and fit now, as well as in their 90's. I talk about how to live that good life now and later with heavy slant towards fitness and nutrition. I will even get into mindset, goals, raising chickens, raising kids, bitcoin, rental property, entrepreneurialism
CrossFit Garage (Woodstock GA)
Garage Fitness Online - Landing page
As a podcast
YouTube channel with other visually videos (long and shorts)